The author of the article analyses proverbial phraseological units in Avar folk tales. In fairy tales proverbs are used in order to enhance expressiveness and emotionality. They present the most important means for creating expressiveness and figurative- ness. Most fully the proverbs express the nature and features of fairy-tale characters.
Keywords: экспрессивность; expressiveness; благопожелания; пословично-поговорочные фразеологизмы; аварские сказки; сказочные образы; се- мантическая структура фразеологизмов; метафоры; клятвенные формулы; стержневое слово; proverbial phraseological units; Avar tales; fairy-tale characters; semantic structure of the phraseo- logical units; good wishes; metaphors; votal formulae; headword.
Pages: 160 - 163
Date: 23.01.2015