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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 45


UDK: 535.33/.34.535.3


MAGOMEDOV Magomed Alievich,
MURTAZAEVA Asiyat Akaevna,
GIRAEV Kamal Magomedovich,
ASHURBEKOV Nazir Ashurbekovich

Using the inverse Monte Carlo method defined were the spectra of optical parameters of absorption, scattering, and anisotropy factor for normal and tumor biotissues in the wavelength range of 300–800 nm. The analysis of the results is given and the factors that influence the optical spectra of biotissues during the malignancy process development are being discussed.

Keywords: метод Монте-Карло; оптические спектры; показатели поглощения, рассеяния и фактор анизотропии рассеяния; биоткань; патология; optical spectra; absorption coefficient, scattering coefficient; anisotropy factor; the Monte Carlo method; biotissue; pathology.

Pages: 14 - 19

Date: 07.02.2012


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