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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 45


UDK: 564.53:551.762.13 (470)


RUBAN Dmitry Aleksandrovitch

The ammonite genus Dumortieria is widely distributed in the Upper Toarcian deposits (Lower Jurassic) of the sedimentary basin of the Greater Caucasus. Revision of the earlier collected data permits to evaluate its species diversity as 17 taxa (exigua, explanata, falcofila, radians, latescens, levesquei, moorei, munieri, pseudoradiosa, radiosa, rhodanica, signata, prisca, striatulocostata, subundulata, suevica, tabulata). Diversity and species composition of Dumortieria from the Greater Caucasus are similar to those of Western Europe, which suggests wide palaeobiogeographical connections of these regions at the end of the Early Jurassic. These connections can be explained by coincidence of the global sea-level rise with the transgression of the Caucasian Sea.

Keywords: аммоноидеи; разнообразие; палеобиогеографические связи; Большой Кавказ; нижняя юра; ammonites; diversity; palaeobiogeographical connections; Greater Caucasus; Lower Jurassic.

Pages: 20 - 22

Date: 22.09.2011


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