UDK: 574.24:577.345
The study considers the fluorescent parameters of cherry leaves of such sorts as Oblachinskaya , Shubinka and Sklyanka Rozovaya , growing at the altitude of 1100 m above sea level (Tsudakhar vill.) and 100 m over sea level (Leninkent vill.). Reported has been the increase in quantum outputs of the background ( F 0), the maximum fluorescence ( Fm ) and also the increase of efficiency of use of light energy ( Fv / Fm ) in the mountainous samples (1100 m asl). Noted is the increase in the total content of pigments ( a and b chlorophylls and carotenoids), the 1,12-1,7 times increase in chlorophyll b relatively to urban samples; the lower ratio of (∑A а ,A b )/Akar - 3.6 (in urban trees ~ 4.3); high levels of chlorophyll a in all the test samples despite the place of growth. Any clear dependence on the accumulation of MDA (lipid peroxidation products) in an altitudinal gradient has not been fixed; marked have been changes in the content of MDA on the varietal characteristics. Activity photoreduction of ferricyanide and non-cyclic photophosphorylation suggests differences in organization of the contents of the photosystems and reaction centers of photosystem II with a change in the height of growing cherry trees.
Keywords: фотосинтез; флуоресценция; высотный градиент; photosynthesis; fluorescence; photosynthetic pigments; фотосинтезирующие пигменты; high-rise gradient.
Pages: 14 - 19
Date: 26.04.2017
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