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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 65


UDK: 663.252.41:663.2


MAGOMEDOVA Elena Selimovna,
ALIVERDIEVA Dinara Alievna,
ABDULLABEKOVA Dinakhanum Abilyaevna,
MAGOMEDOV Gadzhi Gasaynikadievich

The composition of yeast fungus inhabiting the vinelands of Daghestan is studied and collected is the information on their population and species diversity. Maximal population values are typical for the litter fall and minimal - for the soil. During the investigation 42 species of yeast were extracted from various substrates of vinelands. The biggest diversity in species among all the analyzed substrates was found on the grape fruits. The most constant species are identified. It is shown that the population of yeast formed on the grapes involves resources species including Saccharomyces cerevisiae which are of interest for biotechnologies. Selection of strains potentially useful for the fermentation industry is performed.

Keywords: почва; soil; дрожжи; биотехнология; yeast; biotechnology; виды; численность; виноградник; species; number; vineyard.

Pages: 32 - 37

Date: 26.04.2017


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