UDK: 591.4:597.551.2(262,81)
The effect on the average value of the coefficient of variation on the totality of the morphological characteristics of other variables of the sample characteristics (size sample quality, average sizes of the individuals studied, the sample size, etc.) in order to assess the possibility of using this indicator for quantitative comparison of the relative morphological variability of different species and clarifying the nature of restrictions in cases of its application has been studied on 104 samples of 7 species of the carp in the Caspian Sea basin. It is shown that this parameter is influenced by the dimensionality, average sizes and number of individuals in the sample; it is also subject to sexual and size-age variability revealing pronounced species-specificity and presence of differences in samples of the same species living in different conditions. This, on the one hand, makes it possible to consider, as a matter of principle, the use of an average coefficient of variation according to the summation of morphological characteristics when assessing the relative level of the total phenotypic variability of species or populations and their groups, and, on the other hand, imposes a number of limitations on its application.
Keywords: Каспийское море; Caspian Sea; морфология; morphology; population; изменчивость; variability; sample; популяция; коэффициент вариации; коэффициент корреляции; выборка; пластические признаки; меристические признаки; разнокачественность; Cyprinidae; бассейн; coefficient of variation; correlation coefficient; plastic signs; meristic signs; different quality; basin.
Pages: 59 - 67
Date: 26.04.2017
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