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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 66


UDK: 574.472 (479)


MAGOMEDOVA Madina Zayirbegovna

The taxonomic revision of the land snails fauna has allowed to identify for the Caucasus 352 species belonging to 140 genera of 36 families, among which 72% are limited in distribution by the area. The object under study is the phyletic compact group of land snails characterized by rigid confinement to a strictly defined environment and a poor ability to overcome geographical barriers, making them a very convenient model for ecological and zoogeographical study. Comparative analysis of the distribution of land snails in the presented areas of the Caucasus showed that they maximally inhabit Western Caucasus, which percentage comes to 51%, inferior to it in species diversity is Armenia, Eastern and Central Caucasus - 35-37%, while Talysh is characterized by only 11% of the included species.

Keywords: Кавказ; the Caucasus; видовой состав; species composition; наземные моллюски; биологическое разнообразие; эндемичные виды; land snails; biological diversity; endemic species.

Pages: 17 - 29

Date: 26.04.2017


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