UDK: 39(398.21)
The article studies peculiarities of fairy tales about skilful thieves in the oral tradition of the Kalmyks. Kalmyk household fairy tales of the mentioned type are characterized by brevity of narration and a comic, ironical and playful style. Fairy tales about skilful thieves are widespread enough in the world folklore. The main character of the considered fairy tales is a nimble-witted, dexterous, and almost always easily finding a sophisticated way out of any deadlocks. The methods he applies to plunder his antipodes are almost anecdotic by nature. Kalmyk variants of the plot considered have lots of motifs and episodes similar to fairy tales of other peoples. However, they can be distinguished due to genre peculiarities, originality and culture-specific elements.
Keywords: сюжет; plot; сказочная традиция; ловкий вор; бытовая сказка; комизм; эпизод; skilful thieves; oral tradition; household fairy tale ; comic; episode.
Pages: 91 - 95
Date: 20.07.2017
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