UDK: 57.017.3
Morophysiologic indicators of erythrocytes of individuals of the striped lizard ( Lacerta strigata ) inhabiting the territory of the Tersk-Sulak and Coastal Lowlands of Daghestan have been studied. The comparison is made between the total number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, as well as the cytomorphological features of erythrocytes, depending on the habitat. It is shown that the total number, linear dimensions (length, width, diagonal) and geometric parameters (area, volume, sphericity) of erythrocytes are larger in individuals of the striped lizard caught in the territory of the Tersk-Sulak Lowland, in comparison with these erythrocyte indices in individuals from the Coastal Lowland. The total amount of hemoglobin, as well as its average content in erythrocytes, is higher for the individuals of the striped lizard living in the territory of the Coastal Lowland.
Keywords: кровь; эритроциты; blood; erythrocytes; полосатая ящерица; экологическая физиология; гемоглобин; striped lizard; ecological physiology; hemoglobin.
Pages: 6 - 13
Date: 26.12.2017
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