The article is devoted to the study of front-line letters as a source of information, which is quite valuable for the analysis of human psychology during wartime. The main themes of the letter are identified as the soldier's attitude toward war, the image of the enemy and of the Motherland, his attitude to his own life and family. When examining documents of personal nature, many aspects of front-line experience that fill a person’ life who is in the extreme conditions of armed conflicts are revealed. Comprehensive study of all types of documents of a personal nature makes it possible to illuminate the history of the Great Patriotic War through the eyes of their immediate participants and eyewitnesses.
Keywords: Дагестан; Daghestan; Великая Отечественная война; Great Patriotic War; источники; sources; Homeland; documents; soldiers; front triangles; letter; Родина; документы; солдат; фронтовые треугольники; письмо.
Pages: 42 - 48
Date: 16.01.2018