UDK: 811.351
The article presents a functionally semantic and historical-genetic analysis of the terms of the acquired kinship in the Nakh-Daghestanian languages. It also analyses representation of various referential correlation of the terms. That is of interest not only for linguistics but also for many humanitarian sciences such as ethnolinguistics, ethnography, sociolinguistics, sociology, psycholinguistics, etc. The terms are divided into referential and vocative. The degree of vocativity of the terms of the acquired kinship is explained. Among all the Nakh-Daghestanian languages the term "daughter-in-law" has the maximum vocative potential
Keywords: нахско-дагестанские языки; семейный дискурс; вокатив; прагматическая функция; Nakh-Dagestanian languages; family discourse; vocative; pragmatic function.
Pages: 77 - 81
Date: 05.02.2018
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