UDK: 544.4/.725
The kinetics of cesium sorption on different activated carbons has been studied. The experimental results have been analyzed by using two kinetic models: the pseudo-first and the pseudo-second order rate law. Studied systems have been found to follow both the pseudo-first and the pseudo-second order models with some preference to the pseudo-second order mechanism. The Langmuir and the Freundlich isotherms have been taken to analyze Cs+ ions sorption dependence on their concentration in solution. It was found that cesium adsorption on activated carbons КМ-2, ОКМ-2, FКМ-2 is subordinate to the Freundlich isotherm while Cs+ sorption on sulfocoal is subject to be described by both the Freundlich and the Langmuir isotherms.
Keywords: активированные угли; адсорбция; ионы цезия; кинетика; изотермы; adsorption; cesium ions; kinetics; isotherms.
Pages: 18 - 21
Date: 20.10.2011
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