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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 44


UDK: 544.4/.725


GAFUROV Malik Magomedovich,
SVESHNIKOVA Dzhannet Alexeevna,
RAMAZANOV Arsen Shamsudinovich,
KYNZHUEVA Kamila Guseynovna,
ATAEV David Ruslanovich

The kinetics of cesium sorption on different activated carbons has been studied. The experimental results have been analyzed by using two kinetic models: the pseudo-first and the pseudo-second order rate law. Studied systems have been found to follow both the pseudo-first and the pseudo-second order models with some preference to the pseudo-second order mechanism. The Langmuir and the Freundlich isotherms have been taken to analyze Cs+ ions sorption dependence on their concentration in solution. It was found that cesium adsorption on activated carbons КМ-2, ОКМ-2, FКМ-2 is subordinate to the Freundlich isotherm while Cs+ sorption on sulfocoal is subject to be described by both the Freundlich and the Langmuir isotherms.

Keywords: активированные угли; адсорбция; ионы цезия; кинетика; изотермы; adsorption; cesium ions; kinetics; isotherms.

Pages: 18 - 21

Date: 20.10.2011


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