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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 50


UDK: 551.435.81 (470.621)


RUBAN Dmitry Aleksandrovitch

Kamenitzas, shallow dish-like depressions, belong to karren (epikarst sculpture features), which are widely-distributed in the eastern periphery of the Lagonaki Highlands (Republic of Adygeya, Western Caucasus). Their diameter is measured by the first tens of centimeters and their depth is measured by the first centimeters. Round, oval, slot-like, petal, and irregular kamenitzas are distinguished. Their formation is associated with the carbonate rock dissolution due to stagnant rainwater intensified by lichens, grass, and soil. Endokarst features and fracturing of Upper Jurassic limestones can also determine their spatial occurrence. During their formation, kamenitzas can merge into single forms (petal) or evolve gradually into grikes.

Keywords: эпикарст; карры; каменицы; карбонатные породы; трещиноватость; Лагонакское нагорье; Западный Кавказ; karst; karren; kamenitzas; carbonate rocks; fracturing; Lagonaki Highlands; Western Caucasus.

Pages: 26 - 28

Date: 22.09.2012


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