UDK: 577.355.4: 581.132
Fluorescent values and quantitative characteristics of the photosynthetic pigment complex of the Betula pendula Roth and Betula litwinowii Doluch leaves, growing at altitudes of 28 and 1800 m above sea level are investigated. With increasing altitudinal gradient the quantum yield of fluorescence (F and Fm' ) decreases in "urban" B. Litvinov birch , while there is an inverse correlation in pendula . Decrease in chlorophyll content at altitude profiles has been recorded. It is related to the processes of photo-bleaching of pigments and their possible destruction in extreme weather conditions - intense insolation in the mountains, high level of UV radiation and wide variation in day and night temperatures.
Keywords: фотосинтез; флуоресценция; фотосинтетические пигменты; высотный градиент; photosynthesis; fluorescence; photosynthetic pigments; altitudinal.
Pages: 23 - 26
Date: 14.01.2014
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