UDK: 666.3.015.4
The article presents the study of sintering of ZnO, ZnO:Ga and ZnO:Ga:B ceramic pellets. The interrelation between the shrinkage and weight loss of the ceramic materials and their phase composition, lattice constants, and luminescent properties have been studied for the 200-1400°С sintering temperature range. It is shown that low-temperature sintering of undoped zinc oxide is due to oxygen desorption from the surface of ZnO grains within 200-600°С temperature range and at the temperature over 500°С to the formation on the grain boundaries of low melting ZnO
1-x phase that accelerates the process of interdiffusion. The sintering process occurs at superfluous pressure of zinc vapors in the pores of sinter material which results from the differences in the zinc and oxygen diffusion rates. The formation of the Ga-contained oxide shells (G
3, ZnGa
4 and other more complex phase) on the surface of ZnO particles reduces the interdiffusion of ceramic components and sintering rate. It is also shown that dissolution of barrier layer on the grain boundaries and increase of the density of ceramics can be achieved by adding boron oxide to the ceramic formulation.
Keywords: тонкие пленки; оксид цинка; керамика; мишень; магнетронное распыление; фотолюминесценция; рентгеноструктурный и рентгенофазовый анализ; прозрачные электроды; zinc oxide; ceramics; target; magnetron sputtering; photoluminescence; X-ray diffraction and phase analysis; transparent electrode, thin films.
Pages: 22 - 29
Date: 12.03.2014
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