The complexation of copper (II) with gallion is studied. The optimal conditions of complexation were established and spectrophotometric characteristics of the complex are calculated. It is found that the complexation of copper ion (II) reacts with gallion in a 1:1 ratio with the displacement of two hydrogen protons. The coefficient of molar absorption comes to 1,1 .10 4. Straight-line relationship between optical density and concentration of copper in solution is in the range from 4 to 30 mg/ml. The selectivity of the reaction is studied. The technique of the express photometric determination of copper in aluminum alloys without the preliminary separation is developed. It is comparable to the atomic absorption and in the absence of AAS can be an alternative to the latter.
Keywords: комплексообразование; медь; галлион; алюминиевый сплав; методика определения; спектрофотометрия; сomplexation; copper; gallion; aluminum alloy; method of determination; spectrophotometry.
Pages: 37 - 40
Date: 24.09.2012