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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 92


UDK: 630*182.47/.48:631.416.9(571.51)


The content of trace elements in soils is an important indicator of their fertility. However, the gross content of various trace elements in a particular area may vary due to the amount of fertilizers added, the nature of human anthropogenic activity, the acidity of the soils and the flora of the area. The distinctive feature of the soils of the agricultural part of the Krasnoyarsk district is a decrease in the gross content of trace elements by 1,1-11,5 times compared to the similar types of the farmland soils in the Central Black Earth Region and Western Siberia. The main factors affecting the concentration of mobile forms of trace elements are identified, starting with the humuseness of soils and grain size distribution, ending with the species and varietal features of plants and technologies for their cultivation. In the soils of the region, a reduced content of mobile forms of zinc, manganese, copper and cobalt are noted. The content of trace elements in plants has been determined by genetic features and ecological conditions of cultivation, climate, soil properties, mobility of the elements themselves. There is a need for soil analysis to adjust doses of fertilizers to improve plant growth and development. At the same time peculiarities of the content of trace elements in the system "soil - plant" ensure the reception of ecologically safe crop production in agriculture of the region. To improve the microelement composition of the crop, it is necessary to optimize their nutrition through the integrated use of organic and micro-fertilizers.

Pages: 33 - 38

Date: 28.03.2024

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