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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 49


UDK: 621.315.592


MAGOMEDOV Yasupi Badrutdinovich,
GADZHIEV Gadzhi Gamzaevich,
KALLAEV Suleyman Nurulislanovich

The temperature dependence of thermal and electrical conductivity and thermal EMF of silicon have been investigated in the solid and liquid states. The thermophysical properties of silicon change at melting and values of its parameters become close to those in metallic melts. It is shown that temperature dependence of thermal and electrical conductivity in melts of the silicon after melting differs from temperature dependence of these parameters in metallic melts. Abnormal for metals values and temperature dependence of thermal and electrical conductivities show that the process of metallization is not completed at melting the silicon.

Keywords: кремний; теплопроводность; электропроводность; расплавы; silicon; thermal and electrical conductivity; melts.

Pages: 15 - 18

Date: 26.03.2012


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