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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 49


UDK: 551.24.551.7 (553.98)


SABANAEV Kasum Altekovich

The article proves the new concept of formation of hydrocarbons (HС) and their reservoirs in the Caspian megabasin. The South-Caspian depression, being the most hog part of the Caspian basin, is the powerful center of HC generation, which along with the large geostructural elements, such as Middle, Northern Caspian, Tersko-Caspian front deflection and others has been playing a clue role in the formation of oil and gas, and hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Caspian megabasin. On the basis of determination of the degree of participation of the deep mantle breaks in generation of hydrocarbons, with the account of petrophysical characteristics and the residence period of sedimentary complex in the stage of katagenesis, proved has been the possibility of formation of oil and gas, their migration within the Tersko-Caspian depression and formation of trans-boundary zones of oil-gas accumulation.

Keywords: нефть; газ; oil; gas; осадочные породы; залежь; очаг генерации; геоструктурные элементы; Каспийский мегабассейн; разлом; нефтегазообразование; нефтегазонакопление; концепция; Южный Каспий; sedimentary rocks; reservoir; centre of generation; geo-structural elements; Caspian megabasin; break; oil-and-gas formation; oil-gas accumulation; the concept; the southern part of the Caspian sea.

Pages: 35 - 39

Date: 10.01.2013


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