UDK: 537.9, 004.942
A model of the real two-sublattice antiferromagnetic material MnTe is proposed. The model possesses all the main crystallographic and magnetic properties of the material. The hybrid algorithm of the Monte Carlo method, based on the single-cluster Wolfe algorithm and the Metropolis algorithm, allow us to investigate the thermodynamic properties of the complex models of magnetic materials. Temperature dependences of various thermodynamic parameters of the MnTe model are investigated. Critical temperatures of phase transition are determined and show that phase transition in this system is of the second order. It is shown that the results of numerical simulation are in good agreement with the experimental data obtained for macro samples of MnTe.
Keywords: метод Монте-Карло; Monte Carlo method; фазовые переходы; антиферромагнетики; компьютерное моделирование; кластерные алгоритмы; phase transitions; antiferromagnetic; computer simulation; cluster algorithm.
Pages: 10 - 14
Date: 04.02.2013
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