The article covers the research of the names of cats in subdialects of the northern dialect of the Avar language. The names of cats in the Araderikh, Inkho, Igali and Kilatli subdialects are considered according to their color and features.
Keywords: половозрастной; термины животноводства; нижнеарадерихский говор; инховский говор; верхнеарадерихский говор; среднеарадерихский говор; игалинский говор; килятлинский говор; age and gender; terms of livestock breeding; Nizhniy Araderikh subdialect; Inkho subdialect; Kilatli subdialect; Verkhniy Araderikh subdialect; Sredniy Araderikh subdialect; Igali subdialect.
Pages: 170 - 172
Date: 15.02.2014