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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 63


UDK: 81’374.3


BACHAEVA Saglar Egorovna

The article gives the description of the rules that were observed when including lexical units in the wordlist. In the header of the entry included are only the units of the wordlist (with options). All the meanings of the headers are numbered in Arabic numerals and placed each on a new line. The main criterion for the inclusion of lexical units in the Explanatory dictionary wordlist is its actual use in the lyrics of “Dzhangar” epos, i.e. the wordlist includes all words (except proper names that are given in a separate list of the Appendix).

Keywords: заголовочное слово; словник; толковый словарь; правила; header word; wordlist; dictionary; rules.

Pages: 100 - 109

Date: 06.07.2015


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