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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 43


UDK: 532.546.013.4:536.25


RAMAZANOV Mukamay Magomedovich

Natural convection of perfect gas in a porous medium between two horizontal cylinders of great length, placed in a heat conducting space, is considered. The two-dimensional problem (a thin porous ring) in the plane of orthogonal axis of the cylinders is investigated. Based on the obtained analytical solutions the regularities are revealed for dependence of the convection origin conditions and characteristics of non-linear stationary convection on the non-Boussinesq parameters – the criterion of gas compressibility and the stable temperature gradient, set far from the contour. Specifically it is shown that unlike the Buossinesq approximation at relatively big compressibility the situations are possible when gas in the upper part of the annulus is simultaneously colder and less dense than in the lower one.

Keywords: пористая среда; конвекция совершенного газа; небуссинесковские параметры; аналитические решения; convection of perfect gas; non-Buossinesq parameters; analytical solutions.

Pages: 5 - 11

Date: 09.03.2011


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