UDK: 663.252.41; 663.2
The yeast population inhabiting different substrates of grapes, apricots, and apples growing under various environmental conditions in Daghestan is studied. Yeast composition of fleshy fruits is detected to be heterogeneous and in general is presented by Ascomycetes , inter alia, Sacharomyces cerevisiae , among which the screening of strains effective for the biotechnology has been carried out. Change in the yeast number on vines and soil in the summer-autumn period is shown. 20 species of yeast have been identified by the molecular-biological methods.
Keywords: дрожжи; биотехнология; yeast; biotechnology; сочные плоды; виды; численность; виноградник; S. cerevisiae; fleshy fruits; species; number; vineyard.
Pages: 20 - 22
Date: 14.01.2014
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