The article has, for the first time in 20 years, presented the data on weight growth of the rainbow trout, grown in cag-es, in the territory of the Republic of Daghestan. The experiment has been conducted on the 5000 fries of the rainbow trout with an average weight of 41 gr. throughout the spring period. Tested was the original feed of the simplified rec-ipes and the minimal equipment costs for its production. As a result, it was proved that in the territory of the Sulak canyon there are all opportunities for growing commercial fish in cages. The results of the study showed that by the end of the experiment, the average weight of rainbow trout fry had reached 80 gr., the feed coefficient was 0,57–0,60%, while the loss of the fry was not observed. That indicates good quality of the food and favorable natural conditions for growing fish.
Pages: 14 - 19
Date: 08.02.2019