UDK: 517.538
Sobolev space W p (⋅)r is a subspace of L p (x ) space that consist of real measurable functions f(x) , defined on [-1,1] and satisfied the condition -11| fx |p x dx <∞ . For 1≤p ( x )≤ p <∞ we can turn L p (x ) to Banach space with the norm ||f ||p (⋅)=inf{α >0: -11| f ( x )/α |p (x )dx ≤1} . In this article it is considered some problems of approximation theory of functions from Sobolev space.
Keywords: пространства Лебега и Соболева с переменным показателем; приближение функций алгебро-тригонометрическими полиномами; variable Lebesgue and Sobolev space; approximation by algebraic and trigonometric polynomials.
Pages: 5 - 21
Date: 12.03.2014
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