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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 54


UDK: 902


RYBALKO Andrey Gennadiyevich,
KANDYBA Alexandr Victorovich,
ANOYKIN Anton Alexandrovich

This article presents the results of the recent study of one of the Middle Paleolithic complexes Darvagchay-zaliv-1. The materials are clue for understanding the development of the vast cultural and chronological stage in the North-East Caucasus. The chronological period of existence of the ancient people on this object is determined by the episode of the Riss-Wurm interglacial oxygen isotope stage 5e. Stone tools are made with the Levallois technique of splitting and typical for the Middle Paleolithic. Based on the available data the conclusion may be drawn that despite the large number of famous monuments of the Middle Paleolithic in the Caucasus and great technical and typological diversity within their groups, currently there is not any possibility to trace direct analogy of the Gedzhukh reservoir with the materials of the Middle Paleolithic among them. Specific techno-typological features of the stone industry with the pronounced Levallois signs allow to speak about the specific form of the Paleolithic Daghestan seaside.

Keywords: Дагестан; средний палеолит; каменная индустрия; леваллуазское расщепление; неоплейстоцен; Middle Paleolithic; stone industry; Levallois splitting; Neopleistocene.

Pages: 59 - 66

Date: 27.05.2014


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