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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 54


UDK: 82.512.142.07


SARBASHEVA Alena Mustafaevna

The article is about the poorly studied problem of folklore and ethnographic sources of the dramatic forms. The research focuses on the analysis of traditional wedding ceremonies of the Balkars, which contained the characteristic features and elements of drama and theatre. The use of specific techniques of adaptation for the stage, dramatic content of components in the verbal part of the rite (monologue, dialogue) testified to the indirect relation to the theatrics. The samples of oral poetry, attracted as illustrative material, field material are considered as one of the foundations of the national drama creativity.

Keywords: свадебная обрядность; драма; театр; вербальная часть; действие; перевоплощение; wedding ritual; drama; theatre; verbal part; action; reincarnation.

Pages: 118 - 121

Date: 16.12.2013


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