The field study has recorded manifestations of volcanic ashes (pumice) in the Kara-Koisu river valley, 25 km upstream from the village Gunib. It is the southernmost manifestation of those found in Daghestan. It is confined to the structure of the shale Daghestan, to the alleged cross-fault. The manifestation is characterized by a high content of zeolites; the volcanogenic material is presented with a very light porous material that allows suggesting its pumice nature. According to the chemical composition the material which gave rise to this pumice refers to plagiodacites - medium-sour formations with adequate and reasonable alkali content.
Keywords: разломы; эндогенные проявления; вулканические пеплы; окремнение; ожелезнение; межпластовые контакты; флюиды; тектонические полости; volcanic ash; silicification; interstratal contacts; fluids; tectonic cavity; пемза; цеолиты; минеральный и химический состав; пласты; гематитизация; endogenous manifestations; pumice; zeolites; faults; mineral and chemical composition; layers; gematitization; ferrugination.
Pages: 22 - 26
Date: 10.10.2014