The article is devoted to the analysis of information about Daghestan by General Blaramberg I.F., available in his book on the history and ethnography of the peoples of the Caucasus, which also gives a topographic, statistical and military description of them. The article analyzes the information about the Caucasian, in particular Daghestan peoples, their languages, governance, religion, lifestyle, politics, clothing, weapons, housing, food, occupations and methods of warfare. Noted is the fallacy of many statements by Blaramberg I.F., who, belittling the level of development of the mountaineers, wrote that their only habitual occupation was war, that they were constantly engaged in raids, robberies, fought among themselves and with neighbours. At the same time, he notes their love of freedom, hospitality, kindness, reliability and constancy in friendship, courage, respectfulness, moderation in food, endurance, etc.
Pages: 25 - 38
Date: 18.05.2021