For the first time in the region 43 florocenotypes and 3 types of plant communities of anthropogenically modified habitats have been identified with indication main edificators. For each type the main and associated plant species are given, the number of noted species is indicated, and some references to published works on these types are also given. On the lowlands and in the zones of low foothills, the most floristically rich florocenotypes are shrub steppes (506 species), xerophytic forests and light forests of the Mediterranean type (477) as well as forbs dry steppes of the foothills (441), and herb-cereal dry meadows of the foothills (343). In the middle and upper mountain belts, according to the number of species, polyurus vegetation is distinguished and almost 500 plant species of which have been identified, then steppe after-forest meadows with 396 species, mixed deciduous forests (373 species), subalpine meadows (322) and xerophytic hazmophyton with 317 species. Floristically poor florocenotype is the aquatic vegetation of the lakes in the mountain areas, only 19 species of which are registered.
Pages: 6 - 20
Date: 26.12.2022