Under consideration are the history and development of the geological processes that shaped the today’s geomorphological image of the Terek mouth, which is one of the most important areas of the Caspian coastal zone, and of great economic importance. On the basis of long-term observations of flood regime and, based on the features of geological and lithological structure of the Terek’s bottom and banks in the downstream, the authors propose dredging and channel narrowing in certain areas, as well as the traditional dyking the banks in order to reshape the riverbed through washout of rapids formed of relatively dense clays.
Keywords: дельтовая часть р. Терек; геоморфологические особенности; противопаводковые мероприятия; дноуглубительные работы; the Terek’s mouth; geomorphologic features; high-water protection measures; dredging.
Pages: 40 - 44
Date: 28.02.2011