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ISSN  1684-792X

Issue 47


UDK: 517.9


SHARAPUDINOV Idris Idrisovich

Some questions concerning approximate calculation of integrals are researched in the present paper. The problem of error estimations of quadrature formulas for the functions from classes , consist ing of functions , given on , having absolutely continuous derivative and derivative of order , having property is considered. Such classes were introduced in the author’s works in connection with the problem of error estimations of quadrature formulas. Some new classes of functions, having essentially variable behavior of smoothness on the given interval , and the obtained exact error estimations of the so called complicated quadrature formulas for these new classes are also considered. When solving this problem spaces with variable exponent and dual spaces , where , appear naturally. Precisely, it expresses, in the terms of these spaces, the exact values of the estimations of the quadrature formulas taking into account essentially variable behavior of smoothness of functions liable to approximate integration on interval . It allows to get more exact error estimations of complicated quadrature formulas using the next values where is a linear capsule of space .

Keywords: пространства Лебега с переменным показателем; пространства Соболева с переменным показатем; квадратурные формулы; приближение функций; variable exponent Lebesgue spaces; variable exponent Sobolev spaces; quadrature formulas; function approximation.

Pages: 5 - 21

Date: 15.03.2012


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