UDK: 58.02:58.072(470.67)
The article presents the results of the research on identifying the dynamics of the semiparasite complex arceuthobium-juniperus and the demutation process on the degraded slope of the ridge Chakulabek in the innermountain Daghestan at mass distribution of the Pinus kochiana plants as the dominant of the new successional stage. It was found that in the conditions of innermountain Daghestan gradual appearance and mass distribution of the semiparasite Arceuthobium oxicedri on Juniperus oblonga is the consequence and not the cause of degradation of the latter. It was determined that communities with the dominance of J. oblonga in the arid conditions of innermountain Daghestan precede the secondary pine forests.
Keywords: Внутреннегорный Дагестан; Juniperus oblonga; Arceuthobium oxicedri; полупаразит; условия произрастания; экотоп; floorparasite; Innermountain Daghestan; growing conditions; ecotope.
Pages: 6 - 14
Date: 14.09.2016
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