UDK: 339.9:355/359
This article analyzes the current situation in the military-economic sector and, in particular, in the defense industry of the Russian Federation as well as the development of solutions to ensure the sustainable development of these areas of activity. Within the research the main negative factors adversely affected the pace of the development of the Russian military-industrial complex, possible ways of resolving the situation are identified, as well as the trends indicated by the solution of the designated problem.
Keywords: оборонно-промышленный комплекс; научно-исследовательские и опытно-констукторские работы; вооруженные силы; финансирование; военные расходы; military-industrial complex; research and development activities; armed forces; financing; military expenditures.
Pages: 113 - 118
Date: 04.12.2012
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