UDK: 323.1(470.67)
Article is devoted to the role of the III congress of the peoples of Daghestan in preservation of the interethnic peace in the republic. The third congress was the major event in the republic political life. It revealed acute problems in social and economic, political and spiritual spheres of the Daghestan society gave profound analysis of their reasons, defined the ways of loosening tension in the republic and preserving cross-national consent and unity of Daghestan as the part of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: многонациональность; экстремизм; extremism; съезд народов; Республика Дагестан; межэтническое согласие; гражданский мир; разделенные народы; репрессированные народы; congress of the people; the Daghestan Republic; interethnic consent; civil world; divided people; subjected to repressions; multinational.
Pages: 98 - 102
Date: 31.01.2011
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